Person-Centred Care Planning

Person-Centred Care Planning

Person-Centred Care

Care Learning

2 mins READ

Person-centred care planning has transformed how care is delivered, focusing on individual needs and preferences. This method respects and engages individuals in their own care, empowering them to have control over their daily lives and treatments.

In this blog, I’ll explain how to create a person-centred care plan using a clear example.

Steps to Create a Person-Centred Care Plan

  1. Initial Assessment
    Begin with an extensive assessment through direct conversations with the resident and inputs from family, friends, and healthcare professionals. Focus on understanding the person’s likes, dislikes, cultural background, personal history, medical conditions, and future aspirations or goals.
  2. Setting Goals
    Work with the individual to set realistic goals, which could include maintaining physical fitness, managing symptoms of illnesses, taking part in social activities and improving overall quality of life in meaningful ways.
  3. Planning
    Outline steps needed to reach these goals, including types of support required who will provide it necessary equipment changes needed for living spaces.
  4. Implementing
    Execute the plan, ensuring all those supporting the person are informed about their roles, maintain consistency, communicate clearly throughout this phase.
  5. Regular Review Adaptation
    Continuously evaluate and adjust the plan involving everyone, especially focusing on what’s best for resident adapting as circumstances change or objectives are achieved

Person Centred Care Planning Example

Let’s look at Mary, an older lady who recently moved into a care home diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer’s Her personalised care plan would involve her interests like gardening music along strategies manage memory issues based her specific condition requirements.

Initial Assessment

Personal Background: Mary is a retired school teacher who enjoys classical music and gardening. She is also a devout Catholic.

Medical Needs: Mary has moderate Alzheimer’s and hypertension.

Preferences: She prefers quiet environments for meals, enjoys being around plants, and attends mass weekly.


  • Physical: Keep active with daily walks and light exercises.
  • Social: Participate in activities like book clubs, gardening, or music listening sessions.
  • Medical: Manage her Alzheimer’s symptoms and maintain stable blood pressure.


  • Daily Activities: Organise garden walks, attend weekly book club meetings, and hold music therapy sessions twice a week.
  • Health Management: Give prescribed medication for Alzheimer’s and hypertension on schedule. Ensure regular medical check-ups.
  • Environmental Adjustments: Her room should be near the garden for easy access. Ensure dining areas are quiet. Arrange transport to mass every week.


Assigned roles include:

  • Care workers to manage medications
  • Activity coordinators to involve Mary in social activities
  • Liaison with local parish for transportation arrangements

Review and Adaptation

Conduct monthly reviews to:

  • Check if she enjoys the activities
  • Monitor her health condition
  • Adjust treatments based on feedback from her healthcare provider

Tips for Care Workers

  • Make personal connections; knowing residents enhances care quality.
  • Empower residents by offering choices where possible.
  • Train staff regularly in person-centred care principles.
  • Maintain detailed records accessible to all involved in care. Keep communication clear.

Final thoughts

Person-centred care planning treats individuals as unique people with specific needs rather than just residents requiring assistance.

This approach requires adapting both environment and practices around each person’s preferences, which improves their quality of life significantly.

Effective implementation of this method demands compassion, respect, understanding individuality within caregiving contexts while complying with regulatory standards, ensuring meaningful benefits that uplift everyone involved.

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