What is LSAB is Health and Social Care What is LSAB in Health and Social Care?

What is LSAB in Health and Social Care?


Care Learning

2 mins READ

“LSAB” stands for Local Safeguarding Adults Board. An LSAB is a statutory, multi-agency partnership, which holds the primary responsibility for overseeing and ensuring the safeguarding of adults within a specific locality, typically at the county or borough level.

Key Functions of LSABs

  • Strategic Oversight: LSABs are charged with developing and implementing local safeguarding policies and procedures. They ensure that all relevant organisations work together harmoniously to prevent and respond to abuse or neglect of adults who may be at risk.
  • Multi-Agency Collaboration: An LSAB comprises representatives from various agencies, including local authorities, NHS bodies, police, and other essential stakeholders in the community. This multi-agency approach ensures a cohesive and comprehensive strategy for safeguarding adults.
  • Raising Awareness: The board is responsible for raising awareness about adult safeguarding issues both among professionals and the general public. This can involve creating informational campaigns, training sessions, and community engagement activities.
  • Reviewing and Learning from Cases: LSABs carry out Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) when an adult in the area dies or is seriously affected as a result of abuse or neglect. SARs are undertaken to learn lessons and improve future practice to prevent similar incidents.
  • Making Recommendations and Monitoring Progress: After reviewing policies, procedures, and particular cases, LSABs make recommendations for practice improvements. They also monitor the implementation of these recommendations to ensure enhanced safeguarding measures are put in place.
  • Annual Reports: LSABs are required to publish annual reports detailing their activities, findings, and effectiveness. These reports also provide accountability and transparency to the public and stakeholders involved.

Members and Governance

The membership of an LSAB typically includes:

  • Local Authorities: They often play a leading role, given their statutory duty for social care services.
  • NHS and Health Bodies: Including Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), NHS Trusts, and primary care providers.
  • Police: Essential for their role in tackling criminal aspects of abuse and safeguarding concerns.
  • Other Statutory Agencies: Such as probation services, housing associations, and relevant voluntary sector organisations.

The governance of LSABs is designed to ensure that members are held accountable for their safeguarding responsibilities. Importantly, LSABs are expected to reflect the needs and circumstances of their local communities, which means that each board may operate slightly differently.

Importance of LSABs

LSABs play a critical role in protecting some of the most vulnerable members of our society. By fostering a collaborative, multi-agency approach to safeguarding, they help to ensure that risks are identified and managed effectively, and that adults at risk of abuse or neglect receive the protection and support they need.


In conclusion, an LSAB is a crucial element in the UK’s framework for safeguarding adults. It ensures that local authorities and their partners work together efficiently and effectively to prevent and respond to issues of abuse and neglect, thereby enhancing the well-being and safety of vulnerable adults in our communities.

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