What is Making Safeguarding Personal

What is Making Safeguarding Personal?


Care Learning

2 mins READ

“Making Safeguarding Personal” (MSP) is an approach adopted within the health and social care sector that focuses on making safeguarding processes more person-centred and outcome-focused.

The primary aim of MSP is to ensure that safeguarding practices are tailored to the specific needs and wishes of the individual involved, thereby promoting their well-being and dignity.

Here are the key components and principles of MSP:

Person-Centred Approach

Individual Focus:

    • MSP places individuals at the centre of the safeguarding process. It emphasises understanding the person’s views, choices, and preferences, ensuring that the outcomes reflect what is important to them.

    Personal Outcomes:

      • Rather than merely following procedural steps, MSP seeks to achieve outcomes that reflect the wishes and priorities of the individual. This may involve immediate safety measures, but also long-term well-being and quality of life considerations.

      Empowerment and Participation


        • Individuals are supported to make their own decisions and give informed consent. MSP promotes the empowerment of individuals to be involved in and to direct their own safeguarding plans wherever possible.


          • Engagement with the person is a continuous process, ensuring their views and wishes are consistently sought and considered throughout the safeguarding journey.

          Shared Decision-Making


            • Professionals work in partnership with the individual, their families, and other relevant agencies. This collaborative approach ensures a coordinated and holistic response to safeguarding concerns.


              • Where appropriate, MSP recognises the importance of advocacy and ensures that individuals have access to advocacy services to help them express their views, wishes, and feelings, particularly when they may have difficulty doing so themselves.

              Outcomes and Effectiveness

              Outcome Measurement:

                • The success of safeguarding interventions is measured by the extent to which they achieve the outcomes desired by the individual. This requires regular review and adjustment of the safeguarding plan based on feedback from the person involved.

                Reflective Practice:

                  • MSP encourages professionals to reflect on their practice, constantly seeking to improve the way safeguarding outcomes are delivered to better align with the person-centred ethos.

                  Training and Awareness

                  1. Professional Development:
                  • Ensuring that health and social care professionals have the necessary skills, knowledge, and confidence to apply MSP principles effectively in their work. This includes ongoing training and supervision.
                  1. Cultural Shift:
                  • Promoting a cultural shift within organisations so that person-centred safeguarding practices are embedded across all levels of service delivery.

                  Legal and Ethical Considerations

                  Legal Frameworks:

                    • MSP is aligned with statutory duties and responsibilities as outlined in the Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, and other relevant legislation. It ensures that safeguarding actions are legally sound and ethically justified.

                    Confidentiality and Respect:

                      • Respecting the confidentiality and privacy of the individual while ensuring necessary information sharing to protect them from harm.

                      Making Safeguarding Personal is about transforming the culture and practice of safeguarding to ensure that it is genuinely centred around the needs, wishes, and rights of individuals, thereby ensuring their safety, dignity, and well-being.

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