How to Create a Dementia Sensory Garden

How to Create a Dementia Sensory Garden


Care Learning

2 mins READ

Creating a dementia sensory garden can provide a therapeutic and stimulating environment for individuals living with dementia.

Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you design and create such a garden:

Planning and Design

  • Understand the Needs: Consider the specific needs and abilities of the individuals who will use the garden. Consult with caregivers or healthcare professionals if possible.
  • Site Selection: Choose a location that is easily accessible, safe, and has good sunlight. Ensure the area is enclosed or can be made secure to prevent wandering.
  • Accessibility: Design wide, smooth, and non-slip pathways. Use materials that are easy to walk on and navigate with wheelchairs or walkers.

Safety Considerations

  • Non-Toxic Plants: Avoid plants that can be harmful if ingested. Choose non-toxic, gentle-touch plants.
  • Visibility: Ensure good visibility with clear boundaries, landmarks, and signs to help with navigation.
  • Lighting: Install soft, adequate lighting for evening use, avoiding harsh lights and shadows.

Sensory Elements

  • Visual Stimulation: Use a variety of colorful flowers and plants. Blooms with contrasting colors and different shapes can capture interest.
  • Fragrance: Incorporate fragrant plants like lavender, rosemary, and jasmine. These can be soothing and evoke memories.
  • Tactile Experience: Include plants and materials that offer different textures (e.g., soft lamb’s ear, rough bark). Raised beds and sensory walls can make tactile exploration easier.
  • Sound: Add elements that create gentle, soothing sounds such as wind chimes, water features, and rustling plants like bamboo.
  • Taste: Consider planting safe, edible herbs, fruits, and vegetables. These can stimulate taste and provide a sense of purpose if participants are involved in gardening tasks.

Engagement and Activities

  • Seating Areas: Provide comfortable seating areas for rest and social interaction. Consider mixed seating arrangements for individuals and small groups.
  • Interactive Elements: Incorporate features that invite interaction, such as bird feeders, butterfly gardens, and fish ponds.
  • Gardening Activities: If appropriate, create areas where individuals can participate in low-maintenance gardening tasks like watering or deadheading plants.

Personalization and Memory Aids

  • Familiar Elements: Include plants or garden ornaments that have personal significance to the individuals using the garden.
  • Memory Stations: Create stations with memorabilia such as old garden tools, photographs, or plaques that can trigger memories and conversations.


  • Design the garden to be as low-maintenance as possible. Consider drought-resistant plants and automatic irrigation systems.
  • Regularly check for and remove any hazards, such as fallen leaves, overgrown plants, or algae in water features.

Community and Support

  • Involve family members, caregivers, and local community groups in the garden’s creation and maintenance. This can foster a sense of community and ownership.

Sample Plant List for a Dementia Sensory Garden:

  1. Visual Plants: Sunflowers, marigolds, tulips, dahlias.
  2. Fragrant Plants: Lavender, rosemary, mint, scented geraniums.
  3. Tactile Plants: Lamb’s ear, moss, ornamental grasses, succulents.
  4. Edible Plants: Strawberries, tomatoes, basil, chives.
  5. Sound Elements: Bamboo, ornamental grasses, water fountains.

By carefully considering these elements, you’ll be able to create a sensory garden that is not only safe and accessible but also enriching and engaging for individuals living with dementia.

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