What is a Palliative Care Nurse

What is Interagency Working in Health and Social Care?


Care Learning

2 mins READ

Interagency working in health and social care involves different services and professionals coming together to provide coordinated care. Effective collaboration is crucial for meeting the complex needs of individuals, ensuring safety, promoting wellbeing, and enhancing service delivery.

Key Principles

Person-Centred Approach

Make sure the care plan focuses on what each person needs and wants.

Shared Goals

All groups should agree on the same goals.


Keep talking to each other clearly and all the time.

Respect for Roles

Know what each group does best and respect their work.

Information Sharing

Share information safely, following the law, and in the right way.

Laws You Need to Know For Working Together

Learn these laws well so you can work with others without breaking them.

Steps for Good Teamwork Between Groups

  1. See when you need help from another group.
  2. Choose which groups need to be involved.
  3. Have a first meeting with everyone.
  4. Make a plan that everyone agrees on.
  5. Decide who will do what.
  6. Pick how you’ll talk to each other.
  7. Get permission to share information about people you’re helping.
  8. Start working together on your plan.
  9. Check how things are going by having regular meetings.
    10 Evaluate everything at the end to make it better next time.

Examples of Doing It Right

Case Management Conferences
Meetings where different health workers talk about complex cases that need many types of support.

Joint Training Sessions
Training where staff from different groups learn together about doing things better as a team.

Shared Documentation Systems
Software that lets approved people see important client information safely.

Things That Can Make Teamwork Hard

You might run into problems like:

  • Not knowing who’s responsible for what
  • Different ways of doing things in different groups
  • Not enough resources
  • Bad communication systems
  • Worrying about sharing data

Plan ahead for these issues when starting projects with other groups.

How To Deal With These Problems

To fix these challenges:

1.Have workshops often so everyone understands their role better.
2.Create training programs that help build a strong team spirit across agencies..
3.Ask for enough money or suggest sharing costs through joint funding requests..
4.Use good technology that makes talking between teams easier..

By using this guidance, aim for stronger teamwork in health and social care, leading to better results for those you serve.

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