Care Certificate Standard 10.1c Answers

Care Certificate 10.1c Answers

Care Certificate Standard 10 Answers Guide - Safeguarding adults

Care Learning

4 mins READ

This guide will you answer The Care Certificate Standard 10.1c List the main types of abuse.

Recognising and understanding the various types of abuse is crucial for safeguarding vulnerable individuals.

According to the Care Certificate Standard 10.1c, the main types of abuse are as follows:

Physical Abuse: This involves the infliction of physical pain or injury. It can include hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, and restraint or inappropriate sanctions.

Sexual Abuse: This refers to any non-consensual sexual activity or behaviour. It covers a range of actions from inappropriate touching to rape and sexual assault, as well as non-contact activities like exposure to pornographic material.

Emotional or Psychological Abuse: This type of abuse involves causing mental distress through actions such as threats, humiliation, verbal abuse, controlling behaviour, and social isolation. The aim is often to undermine the victim’s self-esteem and self-worth.

Financial or Material Abuse: This includes the illegal or unauthorised use of a person’s property, money, pension, or other valuables. Examples include theft, fraud, exploitation, and coercion in relation to financial affairs or arrangements.

Neglect and Acts of Omission: This occurs when basic needs are not being met, resulting in harm or distress. It can involve failing to provide adequate food, shelter, healthcare, or emotional support. It can also include failing to protect a person from physical harm or danger.

Discriminatory Abuse: This type is rooted in prejudices based on a person’s race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristic. It manifests as harassment, unequal treatment, or other forms of oppressive behaviour which reinforce exclusion and marginalisation.

Organisational or Institutional Abuse: This happens within an institution like a care home or a hospital. It is characterised by poor care standards, rigid routines, inadequate staffing, and lack of responsiveness to the individual needs of residents. It often stems from systemic failings rather than isolated incidents.

Self-Neglect: This occurs when individuals neglect their own health, hygiene, or living conditions. It is often associated with mental health issues or substance abuse, resulting in an inability or unwillingness to care for oneself.

Domestic Abuse: This type involves any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, violent, or abusive behaviour by someone who is or has been an intimate partner or family member. This encompasses a range of behaviours including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse.

Modern Slavery: This includes human trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude, and other forms of exploitation where individuals are coerced into conditions of little or no pay and the use of force or threat of force.

Example Answers for Activity 10.1c List the main types of abuse

Here are some example answers that a care worker might give related to each type of abuse outlined in the Care Certificate Standard 10.1c:

Physical Abuse

Example Answer:
“Last week, I noticed some unexplained bruises on Mrs Jones’s arms. When I asked her about them, she seemed hesitant and nervous. It made me concerned that she might be experiencing physical abuse, so I reported my observations to my line manager immediately for further investigation.”

Sexual Abuse

Example Answer:
“A resident named Mr Smith appeared very distressed and withdrawn after a particular family visit. With gentle questioning, he revealed that a relative had touched him inappropriately. I recognised this as potential sexual abuse and followed our safeguarding procedures to ensure Mr Smith’s safety and well-being.”

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Example Answer:
“I overhead a family member shouting and belittling Mrs Clarke during a visit, calling her names and telling her she was worthless. Mrs Clarke seemed very upset and anxious afterward. I documented the incident and reported it to my supervisor as potential emotional abuse.”

Financial or Material Abuse

Example Answer:
“Mrs. Patel mentioned that her son has been taking her pension money without her consent. She seemed worried about not having enough funds to cover her basic needs. Recognising this as potential financial abuse, I raised the concern with our safeguarding team to ensure her financial safety.”

Neglect and Acts of Omission

Example Answer:
“I found Mr Taylor in a soiled bed and realised he had not been assisted with personal hygiene for an extended period. He was dehydrated and hungry. I reported this instance of neglect to ensure that proper care arrangements were put in place immediately.”

Discriminatory Abuse

Example Answer:
“During my shifts, I observed that different cultural meals were not being offered to residents of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Additionally, staff were making insensitive comments about those residents’ cultural practices. I flagged this as discriminatory abuse and suggested a review of our service policies to promote inclusivity.”

Organisational or Institutional Abuse

Example Answer:
“I noticed that the care home had a very rigid schedule that did not account for individual care needs. Residents were often left unattended for long periods. This could be indicative of institutional abuse. I raised these concerns during our staff meeting, advocating for a more person-centred approach.”


Example Answer:
“Mr Wilson has been refusing to eat, take his medication, or bathe. His living space is extremely untidy, and he has lost a significant amount of weight. Understanding that this could be self-neglect, I worked with our care team to develop a supportive plan to encourage him to take better care of himself.”

Domestic Abuse

Example Answer:
“Ms Green confided in me that her partner has been very controlling, monitoring her movements and finances, and has occasionally been physically abusive. I listened to her concerns empathetically and immediately reported the situation to our safeguarding lead to ensure she received the support and protection she needed.”

Modern Slavery

Example Answer:
“A newcomer to our community, Mr Ade, seemed fearful and reluctant to share much about his past. He mentioned in passing that he worked long hours for little or no pay and was living in poor conditions. Suspecting potential modern slavery, I reported his situation to our safeguarding team to get him the necessary assistance.”

These example answers illustrate the care worker’s role in identifying and reporting various types of abuse, emphasising the importance of vigilance and adherence to safeguarding protocols for the protection of vulnerable individuals.


    Understanding these types of abuse is vital for anyone in health and social care roles, ensuring that they can identify signs of abuse, take appropriate action to protect individuals, and adhere to safeguarding policies and procedures.

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