Care Certificate Standard 10.1d Answers

Care Certificate 10.1d Answers

Care Certificate Standard 10 Answers Guide - Safeguarding adults

Care Learning

4 mins READ

This guide will you answer The Care Certificate Standard 10.1d Describe what constitutes harm.

Harm is understood as any detrimental effect on an individual’s physical, emotional, or psychological well-being, whether it is caused intentionally or unintentionally.

This comprehensive understanding of harm encompasses various types and sources.

Physical Harm

This refers to any type of injury or physical damage inflicted on an individual. It can range from bruises, cuts, and broken bones to more severe forms such as burns, suffocation, or poisoning. Physical harm can be a result of direct violence, neglect (such as lack of proper care leading to bedsores), or unsafe handling.

Emotional or Psychological Harm

Emotional harm involves any action or neglect that negatively impacts an individual’s mental health or emotional well-being. Examples include verbal abuse, intimidation, harassment, or bullying. This type of harm can lead to anxiety, depression, loss of confidence, or other mental health issues.

Sexual Harm

This includes any unwanted or inappropriate sexual behaviour or contact. It spans from sexual assault to inappropriate touching or exposure, any form of sexual harassment, and also includes pressuring an individual into sexual acts or exploitation.

Financial or Material Harm

This type of harm involves the improper use or theft of an individual’s money, property, or assets. Examples include theft, fraud, offering inappropriate financial advice, or exerting undue pressure on an individual to hand over money or sign financial documents.

Neglect and Acts of Omission

Neglect occurs when there is a failure to meet an individual’s fundamental needs. This can happen in terms of personal care, medical attention, nutrition, hydration, or safe and appropriate living conditions. Acts of omission, such as failure to administer medication or ignoring medical advice, also fall under this category.

Discriminatory Harm

This type of harm arises when an individual is treated unfairly or differently due to characteristics such as race, gender, disability, religion, age, or sexual orientation. Discriminatory harm can manifest as exclusion, marginalisation, or derogatory remarks leading to distress and diminished self-worth.

Examples answers for activity 10.1d Describe what constitutes harm

Here are some example answers that a care worker might provide when asked to describe what constitutes harm and to give examples of different types of harm:

Example Answer for Understanding What Constitutes Harm:

“As a care worker, I understand that harm can be any action or lack of action that adversely affects the well-being of an individual. This can be physical harm, such as injuries; emotional harm, affecting someone’s mental health; sexual harm, involving inappropriate sexual behaviour; financial harm, which relates to misuse of an individual’s money or assets; neglect, which is the failure to meet basic needs; and discriminatory harm, which involves unfair treatment based on characteristics such as race, gender, or disability.”

Example Answer for Physical Harm:

“Physical harm involves any type of injury or physical damage to an individual. For instance, if I were helping a resident transfer from their bed to a wheelchair and didn’t use the proper lifting technique, the resident might fall and sustain an injury like a broken bone or a bruise. Another example could be noticing unexplained bruises on a resident, which might suggest rough handling or abuse by someone within the care setting.”

Example Answer for Emotional or Psychological Harm:

“Emotional or psychological harm can occur when someone’s mental health or emotional well-being is adversely affected. For example, if a care worker constantly belittles a resident with dementia by criticising their memory lapses, it can increase the resident’s anxiety and lead to depression. Another example might be ignoring a resident during social activities and mealtimes, which can make them feel isolated and lonely.”

Example Answer for Sexual Harm:

“Sexual harm includes any unwanted or inappropriate sexual behaviour. For example, if a resident reports that a staff member touched them inappropriately during personal care, that’s a serious concern. Another instance could be a care worker making sexual jokes or comments towards a vulnerable adult with learning disabilities, causing distress and confusion.”

Example Answer for Financial or Material Harm:

“Financial harm involves the misuse or theft of an individual’s money or property. For instance, if I noticed that a service user’s bank card was being used without their consent by another staff member, that would be financial abuse. Another example could be if a family member pressured a vulnerable adult to sign over their property without proper legal advice and under dubious circumstances.”

Example Answer for Neglect and Acts of Omission:

“Neglect occurs when basic needs are not met. For example, if a care worker fails to reposition a bed-bound resident regularly, this can result in pressure sores, which is a form of neglect. Another example is if a resident doesn’t receive their prescribed medication because the staff didn’t renew the prescription in time, leading to deterioration in their health.”

Example Answer for Discriminatory Harm:

“Discriminatory harm arises from unfair treatment based on certain characteristics. For instance, if I overheard a colleague making derogatory remarks about a resident’s ethnic background, that would constitute discriminatory harm. Another example is if a care provider refuses to accommodate a resident’s dietary requirements based on their religious beliefs, disregarding their need for culturally sensitive care.”

These example answers provide clear and practical illustrations of different types of harm, demonstrating an understanding of the critical issues and a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of individuals in care settings.


    Harm can originate from various sources, including caregivers, family members, other service users, and even systems or environments intended to support individuals.

    Recognising and addressing harm in all its forms is crucial to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of individuals within health and social care settings.

    Identifying the signs of harm and understanding the broad spectrum it covers enables caregivers to take appropriate actions to prevent, report, and address any such incidents effectively.

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