Care Certificate Standard 10.1g Answers

Care Certificate 10.1g Answers

Care Certificate Standard 10 Answers Guide - Safeguarding adults

Care Learning

4 mins READ

This guide will help you answer the Care Certificate standard 10.1g List the possible indicators of abuse.

Identifying potential indicators of abuse is crucial in safeguarding individuals within health and social care settings.

Abuse can manifest in various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and neglect.

What are the indicators of abuse?

The indicators can vary depending on the type of abuse being experienced.

Below is a detailed list of possible indicators:

Physical Abuse

  • Unexplained Injuries: Bruises, fractures, burns, or scars, especially if they appear in different stages of healing or in unusual locations.
  • Frequent Hospital Visits: Regular visits to A&E without a clear, consistent explanation.
  • Medication Issues: Signs of being over-medicated or under-medicated, not in line with their prescribed treatment plan.
  • Behavioural Changes: Flinching at physical touch, appearing fearful or anxious about being alone with a particular person.

Emotional/Psychological Abuse

  • Low Self-Esteem: The person may seem unusually anxious, depressed, or withdrawn.
  • Behavioural Regression: Reverting to earlier developmental behaviours, such as sucking their thumb, incontinence, or excessive attachment.
  • Extreme Behaviours: Aggressiveness, non-compliance, or apathy.
  • Isolation: Sudden withdrawal from family, friends, or social activities.

Sexual Abuse

  • Sexualised Behaviour: Inappropriate or unusual sexual behaviour or knowledge for their age or development.
  • Physical Symptoms: Pain, itching, bruises, or bleeding in the genital or anal areas.
  • STIs and Pregnancy: Unexpected sexually transmitted infections or recurrent urinary tract infections; unexpected pregnancies.
  • Emotional Signs: Significant changes in mood or behaviour, sudden onset of nightmares or bed-wetting.

Financial Abuse

  • Unexplained Financial Changes: Bank statements showing unexplained withdrawals or unusual activity.
  • Loss of Assets: Missing valuables or unauthorised additional names on bank accounts or property deeds.
  • Basic Needs Unmet: Despite having sufficient funds, the individual lacks basic necessities (food, clothing, utilities).
  • Pressure: Being coerced to sign financial documents or make financial decisions.


  • Poor Personal Hygiene: Persistent dirtiness, body odour, soiled clothing, or matted hair.
  • Unmanaged Medical Conditions: Obvious lack of medical care for chronic or severe illnesses.
  • Unsafe Living Conditions: Living in an environment that is hazardous, unhygienic, or lacking essential utilities.
  • Malnutrition and Dehydration: Noticeable weight loss, frailty, or unexplained changes in physical health.

Institutional Abuse (a form of abuse prevalent in care settings)

  • Depersonalisation: Treating individuals as objects or with a lack of respect.
  • Routine Inflexibility: Not allowing individuals choice or independence, enforcing a strict regime.
  • Misuse of Medication: Sedating a person using medication to control their behaviour.
  • Failure of Duty of Care: Consistent neglect of the person’s needs, rights, and safety.

Discriminatory Abuse

  • Harassment: Insulting, bullying, or ridiculing someone based on their race, gender, age, sexuality, disability, or religion.
  • Inadequate Service: Receiving substandard care because of discrimination.
  • Oppression: Restricting access to services, facilities, or activities that should be available to them.

Modern Slavery

  • Controlled Movements: Being under the control of others or lacking personal freedom.
  • Poor Living Conditions: Living in squalid, overcrowded, or inappropriate accommodation.
  • Unpaid Work: Being forced to work without contractual agreements or fair remuneration.
  • Isolation: Lacking contact with family, friends, or the wider community.

Example Answers for Care Certificate Standard Activity 10.1g

Here are some example answers a care worker might give when discussing the indicators of abuse in a care setting.

These examples contextualise various types of abuse and highlight specific observations or concerns:

Example 1: Physical Abuse

“Last week, I noticed a series of bruises on Mrs Johnson’s arms and legs, which weren’t there previously. When I asked her about them, she seemed anxious and gave vague explanations that didn’t match the injuries. She’s been unusually jumpy and flinches when someone approaches her quickly.”

Example 2: Emotional/Psychological Abuse

“Mr Patel has become increasingly withdrawn over the past month. Once chatty and sociable, he’s now avoiding contact with both the staff and other residents. He’s frequently tearful and seems to lack confidence in a way that wasn’t clear before. It feels like he’s afraid of doing something wrong.”

Example 3: Sexual Abuse

“Ms Brown, a normally cheerful resident, has been behaving out of character lately. She’s displaying significant distress during personal care, particularly around the genital area, and has been having nightmares that are sexual in nature. I noticed some unexplained bleeding, which made me very concerned.”

Example 4: Financial Abuse

“I observed Mr Green discussing his finances with a relative who seemed to pressure him to withdraw a large sum of money. Despite Mr Green’s initial reluctance, he eventually agreed. Later, I noticed his bankbook had unusual withdrawals that he couldn’t explain.”

Example 5: Neglect

“Mrs White has been consistently wearing the same soiled clothing for several days, and her room is in disrepair. Despite having sufficient food allowances, she often complains of being hungry and hasn’t been getting any help with her prescribed medication, which has led to her condition worsening.”

Example 6: Institutional Abuse

“I’ve observed a troubling trend where staff members are imposing strict routines without regard for the residents’ preferences. For example, meals are served at inconvenient times and residents’ individual needs are ignored, which is causing them significant distress. I’ve seen staff discouraging residents from voicing their concerns.”

Example 7: Discriminatory Abuse

“Recently, I overheard another staff member making derogatory remarks about Ms Kim’s cultural background. Ms Kim has since become very quiet and avoids communal activities. I’m worried this might impact her mental health and overall well-being.”

Example 8: Modern Slavery

“During a visit from a new resident, Mr Ali, I noticed he seemed extremely exhausted and fearful. He mentioned he was brought here by someone who took his passport and forces him to work long hours without pay. He doesn’t appear to have any contact with family or friends and seems isolated.”

In all instances, the responsibility of the care worker is to document these concerns and follow their organisation’s safeguarding procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual involved. This could involve reporting the situation to a designated safeguarding lead, contacting social services, or informing a supervisor, depending on the organisation’s policies and protocols.


Each form of abuse may have overlapping indicators, and it is important to observe and document concerns meticulously. When abuse is suspected, it is vital to follow your organisation’s safeguarding procedures promptly to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the individual involved.

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