Care Certificate Standard 14 – Activity 14.1a Answers

Care Certificate 14.1a Answers

Care Certificate Standard 14 Answers - Handling Information

Care Learning

5 mins READ

This guide will help you with answers for The Care Certificate Standard 14.1a Describe the agreed ways of working and legislation regarding the recording, storing and sharing of information.

It’s essential to understand the agreed ways of working and the legislation concerning the recording, storing, and sharing of information.

This forms the foundation for maintaining confidentiality, ensuring data security, and adhering to legal requirements.

Let’s delve into these areas as addressed under The Care Certificate Standard 14.1a.

Agreed Ways of Working

Agreed ways of working refer to procedures and guidelines set by an organisation to ensure consistency and compliance with legal and professional standards. Here’s how they apply to recording, storing, and sharing information:

Recording Information:

    • Accuracy and Completeness: All records should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
    • Objectivity: Information should be recorded factually and objectively, without personal opinions.
    • Timeliness: Records should be made contemporaneously to ensure accuracy and relevance.
    • Legibility and Clarity: Recorded information should be clear and legible.
    • Consent: Where applicable, individuals should be informed and give consent before information is recorded.

    Storing Information:

      • Security: Information should be stored securely, whether in digital or physical form. This includes using secure passwords, encryption, and locked filing cabinets.
      • Access Control: Only authorised personnel should have access to sensitive information. Access should be granted based on the ‘need-to-know’ principle.
      • Duration of Storage: Information should be retained for as long as necessary in line with organisational policies and legal requirements, after which it should be securely disposed of.

      Sharing Information:

        • Confidentiality: Information should be shared on a need-to-know basis, respecting the confidentiality of the individuals concerned.
        • Informed Consent: Where applicable, consent should be obtained from the individual before sharing their information, unless it is required by law or in situations where it is necessary to protect the individual or others from harm.
        • Anonymisation: When sharing information for purposes like research or audit, personal data should be anonymised where possible.
        • Secure Transfer: Information should be shared using secure methods to ensure it is protected during transfer.


        Several pieces of legislation govern the recording, storing, and sharing of information in the UK to ensure that personal data is managed responsibly and ethically. Key legislations include:

        The Data Protection Act 2018:

          • Implements the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
          • Sets out principles for processing personal data, including lawfulness, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, storage limitation, and integrity and confidentiality.
          • Provides individuals with rights over their data, such as the right to access, correct, and delete their data.

          The Health and Social Care Act 2012:

            • Emphasises the importance of protecting and maintaining the confidentiality of individuals’ personal data within health and social care settings.
            • Requires organisations to have clear policies and procedures for managing information securely and ensuring compliance with data protection principles.

            The Human Rights Act 1998:

              • Article 8 of this Act upholds the right to respect for private and family life, which includes the respect for confidential information.

              Caldicott Principles:

                • These are guidelines for handling patient-identifiable information in the NHS and social care, focusing on confidentiality and the proper use of data.
                • The principles include justifying the purpose for using patient data, not using data unless it is absolutely necessary, using the minimum necessary amount of data, and ensuring access is on a need-to-know basis.

                Freedom of Information Act 2000:

                  • Provides the public with a right to access recorded information held by public authorities, with certain exemptions to protect sensitive or personal data.


                  Understanding the agreed ways of working and legislation regarding the recording, storing, and sharing of information is crucial in health and social care settings to protect individuals’ privacy and ensure compliance with legal and ethical standards. By adhering to these guidelines and laws, care workers can ensure that information is managed responsibly, securely, and effectively, thereby maintaining trust and safeguarding individuals’ rights.

                  Example Answers for the Care Certificate Standard 14 – Activity 14.1a Answers

                  Here are some example answers that a care worker might provide when demonstrating their understanding of The Care Certificate Standard 14.1a regarding the recording, storing, and sharing of information:

                  Example Answer: Recording Information

                  Question: “Can you describe how you record information in line with agreed ways of working?”

                  “In my role as a care worker, I always ensure that the information I record is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. For example, when documenting a care plan or daily notes, I make sure to include all relevant details objectively and clearly. I always use the individual’s full name and avoid abbreviations that could be misunderstood. I make my records contemporary, ideally immediately after the event occurs, to ensure that everything is fresh in my mind and accurate. I also ensure that I have obtained the necessary consent from the individual before recording any personal information.”

                  Example Answer: Storing Information

                  Question: “How do you ensure that information is stored securely?”

                  “To ensure information is stored securely, I follow our organisation’s policies for data protection. For paper records, I make sure they are kept in locked filing cabinets in a secure area that can only be accessed by authorised personnel. For digital records, I use secure passwords and ensure that computers and systems are encrypted. I also regularly update my passwords and never share them with anyone. Additionally, I follow our data retention policy to store information only for as long as necessary and dispose of it securely when it is no longer needed, such as shredding confidential papers.”

                  Example Answer: Sharing Information

                  Question: “Can you explain how you share information securely and in line with agreed ways of working?”

                  “When it comes to sharing information, I always ensure that it is done securely and in line with our agreed procedures. First, I verify that the person I am sharing the information with is authorised to receive it and has a legitimate need to know. For example, before sharing sensitive details with a fellow healthcare professional, I ensure that the sharing is in the best interest of the individual’s care and is within legal boundaries. I also obtain the individual’s consent when appropriate and explain why their information needs to be shared.

                  If sharing information electronically, I use encrypted emails or secure electronic health record systems. For physical documents, I use sealed envelopes and ensure they are handed over personally or via secure internal mail systems. If I need to discuss sensitive information, I do so in a private setting to avoid being overheard. Finally, I keep a record of what was shared, with whom, and why, to ensure transparency and accountability.”

                  Example Answer: Understanding Legislation

                  Question: “What legislation must you comply with when handling personal information?”

                  “When handling personal information, I must comply with several key pieces of legislation. The main one is the Data Protection Act 2018, which aligns with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This requires us to handle personal data lawfully, fairly, and transparently, ensuring it is accurate, kept up-to-date, and stored securely.

                  The Health and Social Care Act 2012 also guides us to protect and maintain confidentiality in health and social care settings. Additionally, the Human Rights Act 1998, specifically Article 8, ensures that individuals have the right to respect for their private and family life.

                  Lastly, as an NHS employee, I adhere to the Caldicott Principles, which govern the use and sharing of patient-identifiable information, making sure we justify the need to use this information and share it only when absolutely necessary for the individual’s care.”

                  These example answers demonstrate an understanding of the processes and legislation in place, showcasing a care worker’s commitment to adhering to best practices and legal requirements surrounding the handling of personal information.

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