What is SCRQoL in Health and Social Care

What is SCRQoL in Health and Social Care?


Care Learning

2 mins READ

The Social Care-related Quality of Life (SCRQoL) is a specialised measure used in the field of health and social care to assess the quality of life outcomes that social care services aim to achieve for individuals.

SCRQoL focuses on dimensions of life that are directly influenced by social care interventions, as opposed to those aspects of life that might be influenced by other factors like medical care, financial status, or personal relationships.

Key Dimensions of SCRQoL

SCRQoL generally encompasses several core dimensions:

  1. Personal Dignity: Respect and being treated with dignity and care without experiencing derogatory or demeaning treatment.
  2. Control over Daily Life: The individual’s ability to influence decisions about their care and daily activities to the level that they desire.
  3. Personal Cleanliness and Comfort: This involves maintaining hygiene and physical comfort, ensuring the individual feels clean and comfortable.
  4. Social Participation and Involvement: The extent to which an individual can be involved in their community, maintaining social connections and participating in activities.
  5. Safety: Feeling safe both in one’s home environment and in the broader community.
  6. Occupation: Opportunities for meaningful occupation or leisure activities that are fulfilling and engaging.
  7. Accommodation Cleanliness and Comfort: The suitability and upkeep of one’s living conditions.
  8. Food and Drink: Nutritional adequacy and enjoyment of food and drink, as well as the ability to eat and drink comfortably.

Importance of SCRQoL

SCRQoL is important for several reasons:

  1. Outcome-Focused Approach: It shifts the focus from simply providing services to evaluating the impact of these services on the individual’s quality of life.
  2. Person-Centred Care: By considering the dimensions that directly affect quality of life, SCRQoL promotes a more person-centred approach to care planning and service provision.
  3. Policy and Practice Development: SCRQoL metrics can inform policy decisions, helping to allocate resources effectively and shape strategies that improve quality of life outcomes.
  4. Accountability and Improvement: It provides a framework for social care providers to measure and compare outcomes, encouraging continuous improvement and accountability.

How SCRQoL is Measured

SCRQoL can be measured through various instruments, often employing questionnaires and interviews with service users. Tools such as the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) are designed to capture the different facets of care-related quality of life. These tools often utilise a combination of self-assessment and professional assessment to gauge the levels of satisfaction in each dimension.

Challenges in Measuring SCRQoL

  1. Subjectivity: Quality of life is inherently subjective, and individuals may have differing perceptions of what constitutes quality of life.
  2. Variability: There can be significant variations in individual circumstances, making it difficult to standardise assessments across diverse populations.
  3. Complex Needs: Individuals with complex or multiple needs may require multifaceted approaches to accurately assess their quality of life.


The concept of Social Care-related Quality of Life (SCRQoL) is pivotal in ensuring that social care services are not just about meeting basic needs, but about enhancing the overall wellbeing and satisfaction of those receiving care. It embodies a comprehensive approach to understanding and improving the lived experiences of individuals, contributing to more effective and compassionate social care systems.

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