Care Home Marketing Guide

Care Home Marketing Guide


Care Learning

7 mins READ

If you manage a care home and are not familiar with marketing, you might find the prospect of promoting your services a bit daunting. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can effectively market your care home, ensuring it reaches the right audience and achieves high occupancy rates.

This care home marketing step-by-step guide will walk you through various marketing channels and methods which we hope you find useful.

Some marketing efforts can be cheap and easy to do and get you some great results!

Step 1: Understand Your Audience

Before diving into marketing channels, it’s crucial to understand your audience.

Consider the following when thinking about your audience:

  • Who are they? Primarily older adults and their families or caregivers.
  • What are their needs? Safety, comfort, healthcare, social engagement, and peace of mind for family members.
  • What concerns might they have? Cost, quality of care, emotional adjustment, and the home’s atmosphere.

Step 2: Build a Strong Care Home Brand

Your brand is the essence of your care home. It includes your logo, colours, mission statement, and the values you uphold. A strong, consistent brand builds trust and recognition.

  1. Name and Logo: Make sure they are professional and relatable.
  2. Values: Clearly define and communicate your care home’s values and mission.
  3. Website: Your website should reflect your brand and be easy to navigate.

Step 3: Digital Marketing Channels

Digital marketing is essential in today’s landscape.

Here are key aspects to focus on:

Website Optimization

Your website is often the first interaction potential clients have with your care home. Ensure it is:

  • User-Friendly: Easy to navigate with clear menus.
  • Mobile-Optimised: Many users will access your site via smartphones, so make sure it is mobile friendly (usually known as a responsive website).
  • Informative: Include virtual tours, staff bios, services offered, testimonials, and blog posts.
  • Accessible: Large font size for people with visual impairments.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO helps your website rank higher on search engines.

Consider a focus on:

  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords such as “care home in [Your Location]” throughout your site.
  • Content: Regularly update your website with valuable content like blog posts and news.
  • Local SEO: Claim your Google Business Profile listing and encourage reviews to improve local search visibility.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a powerful tool to connect with your audience. Popular platforms include:

  • Facebook: Create a Facebook page to share updates, photos, videos, and engage with your community.
  • Instagram: Share images and stories showcasing daily life in your care home.
  • LinkedIn: Connect with healthcare professionals and join industry groups.

Email Marketing

Use email marketing to keep in touch with prospects and existing contacts. Tips include:

  • Newsletters: Send regular updates about events, news, and relevant articles.
  • Personalisation: Tailor emails with the recipient’s name and relevant information.
  • Automation: Use tools to automate welcome emails, reminders, and follow-ups.

Online Advertising

Paid advertising can boost your visibility:

  • Google Ads: Target specific keywords and locations.
  • Social Media Ads: Use Facebook and Instagram ads to reach a wider audience.
  • Display Ads: Place banner ads on relevant websites.

Step 4: Traditional Marketing Channels

While digital marketing is crucial, traditional marketing methods should not be overlooked because not everyone uses digital platforms:

Printed Materials

Printed materials are still highly effective in reaching potential residents and their families, especially those who may not be as internet-savvy. Here’s a deeper look into how to leverage printed materials:


  • Content: Include detailed information about your care home, services offered, staff qualifications, and testimonials.
  • Design: Use high-quality images and a professional design to make your brochure visually appealing.
  • Distribution: Distribute brochures at local healthcare facilities, community centres, libraries, and during events. Keep a stack at the front desk for visitors.


  • Content: Highlight key features, special offers, or upcoming events.
  • Design: Ensure the flyer is eye-catching with concise, impactful information and bold headings.
  • Distribution: Place flyers in community boards, local shops, supermarkets, and medical centres. Hand them out at events and fairs.


  • Content: Include updates on recent activities, upcoming events, new services, staff highlights, and resident stories.
  • Design: Use a consistent layout with sections such as “News,” “Events,” and “Spotlight.”
  • Distribution: Mail newsletters to current residents’ families, local healthcare providers, and interested community members. Offer a downloadable version on your website.

Local Community Involvement

Building strong ties within the local community can significantly enhance your care home’s reputation and trustworthiness.


  • Open Days: Regularly host open days inviting the community to tour the facilities, meet the staff, and understand the services provided. Offer refreshments and small giveaways.
  • Health Fairs: Organise health fairs featuring free health screenings, wellness talks, and consultations with healthcare professionals.
  • Community Events: Take part in or host local festivals, fairs, or charity events. Engage attendees with informative booths, fun activities, and demonstrations of services.


  • Local Businesses: Collaborate with local businesses for mutual benefit. For example, partner with a nearby pharmacy for medication management services or a local cafe for special resident outings.
  • Charities: Team up with local charities for joint initiatives, such as fundraising campaigns or volunteer programs.
  • Healthcare Providers: Work closely with nearby hospitals, clinics, and medical practitioners. Offer to host joint seminars or provide them with informational brochures to distribute to their patients.


  • Local Events: Sponsor community events such as concerts, theatre performances, or sports tournaments. Display your care home’s logo on promotional materials and participate actively in the event.
  • Sports Teams: Sponsor local youth sports teams to make your care home more visible within the community. Provide team uniforms, equipment, or support for competitions.

Public Relations (PR)

PR efforts help in building and maintaining a positive image for your care home.

Here’s how to effectively leverage PR:

  • Significant Events: Write and distribute press releases for important milestones like anniversaries, awards, new services, or community activities.
  • Achievements: Highlight any recognitions, certifications, or exceptional resident stories.
  • How To: Write a clear, concise press release following a standard format, and send it to local newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and TV networks.

Media Coverage

  • Feature Stories: Build relationships with local journalists and offer them unique, human-interest stories about life in your care home.
  • Interviews: Offer interviews with management or care staff on topics of interest, such as elderly care trends, health and wellness for seniors, or new technologies in aged care.
  • Press Kits: Prepare press kits with information about your care home, high-quality images, recent news, and contact details, making it easier for journalists to cover your story.


  • Collection: Regularly collect testimonials from residents and their families. Conduct interviews, or use feedback forms and surveys.
  • Showcase: Display testimonials on your website, social media platforms, printed brochures, and in newsletters.
  • Video Testimonials: Create short, authentic video testimonials featuring residents and their families discussing their experiences. Share these videos on your website, social media, and during events.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Monitoring your care home marketing efforts is crucial to understand what works best and where improvements are needed.

Use tools like Google Analytics for your website, social media insights, and email marketing reports to track performance. Adjust your strategy based on data and feedback.

Step 6: Continuously Improve

Marketing is an ongoing process:

  • Stay Updated: Keep up with marketing trends and best practices.
  • Training: Consider marketing training for your team or administrator.
  • Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from residents, families, and staff to improve your services and marketing efforts.

Care Home Marketing FAQ

Why is marketing important for my care home?

Marketing is essential because it helps increase your care home’s visibility, attract potential residents, and build a trustworthy reputation. Effective marketing ensures your care home maintains high occupancy rates and a positive public image.

How much budget should I allocate for care home marketing?

The marketing budget can vary depending on your care home’s size and specific needs. As a starting point, consider allocating 5-10% of your annual revenue to marketing. This budget should cover both digital and traditional marketing efforts.

How do I identify my target audience?

Your target audience includes older individuals who may need care, their families who often assist in making decisions, and healthcare professionals who might refer clients to your care home. Understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points is crucial.

How can social media benefit my care home?

Social media allows you to engage with your community, share updates, and build relationships. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram can showcase daily life, events, and success stories within your care home, helping to humanise your brand and gain trust.

What is SEO, and why is it important?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) improves your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. Better SEO means your website ranks higher in search results, making it easier for potential residents and their families to find your care home online in Google.

What types of content should I share in email newsletters?

Email newsletters can include updates about your care home, upcoming events, health tips, resident stories, staff spotlights, and relevant articles. Personalise the content to maintain engagement and relevancy.

How can I effectively use online advertising?

  • Google Ads: Target specific keywords and geographical locations relevant to your care home.
  • Social Media Ads: Use targeting options on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach specific demographics.
  • Remarketing: Show ads to people who have previously visited your website to keep your care home top of mind.

Are traditional marketing methods still relevant?

Yes, traditional marketing methods like printed materials, community involvement, and public relations are still effective, especially for local outreach. Combining these with digital marketing creates a comprehensive strategy.

How can I measure the success of my marketing efforts?

Use tools like Google Analytics for your website, social media insights, email marketing reports, and feedback surveys to track performance.

Key metrics to monitor include website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and conversion rates.

How often should I update my marketing strategy?

Regularly review your marketing strategy, ideally every quarter.

Stay updated with industry trends, analyse performance data, and be willing to adapt to changing circumstances and preferences.

What are some common marketing mistakes to avoid?

  • Neglecting Online Presence: Being inactive online or having an outdated website can harm your reputation.
  • Inconsistent Branding: Ensure all marketing materials consistently reflect your brand identity.
  • Ignoring Feedback: Actively seek and respond to feedback from residents, families, and staff to improve your services and marketing.
  • Overlooking Local SEO: Ensure your care home is listed in local directories and optimise for local searches.

Can I handle marketing on my own, or should I hire a professional?

While you can manage some marketing tasks on your own, hiring a professional can be beneficial for more advanced strategies like SEO, paid advertising, and content creation.

Evaluate your needs and budget to make an informed decision.

What role do reviews and testimonials play in marketing?

Reviews and testimonials are crucial as they offer social proof and build trust.

Encourage satisfied residents and their families to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google Business Profile and Facebook, and prominently display testimonials on your website.

How can I get started with marketing my care home?

Begin by defining your target audience and objectives, then build a user-friendly website and establish a social media presence.

Start with simple, low-cost tactics like creating engaging content and optimising for local SEO, and gradually incorporate more advanced strategies as your expertise grows.

Feel free to reach out to marketing professionals or use online resources for further guidance as you embark on your marketing journey.

Should I pay for an agency to do my marketing?

Agencies can be expensive, and you might not always get the results you want. Compare a range of agencies and try to understand the outcome of their efforts.


By understanding your audience, building a strong brand, leveraging digital and traditional marketing channels, monitoring performance, and continuously improving, you can effectively market your care home.

By effectively utilising printed materials, engaging in local community activities, and leveraging public relations, you can significantly enhance your care home’s visibility and reputation. This integrated approach helps build trust with potential residents and their families, ultimately driving more inquiries and occupancy.

Remember, successful marketing requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to adapt.

Good luck in marketing your care home!

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