What are the 6Cs of Care?

What are the 6 C’s of Care?

Person-Centred Care

Care Learning

3 mins READ

In health and social care, the 6 Cs of Care are key principles that help improve how care is given.

These values guide nurses, midwives, and care workers to focus on the needs of the people they support.

This framework helps promote a safe and caring environment in health and social care settings..

What are the 6 Principles?


Care is all about looking after patients well. It means understanding what each person needs and making sure they feel supported.


Compassion means really feeling for our patients. It’s about listening carefully and being kind to make sure everyone feels looked after.


Being competent means knowing your stuff as a healthcare worker. You keep learning so you can give the best care based on up-to-date practices.


Good communication is talking clearly with patients and other healthcare workers. It helps make sure treatments go right and that everyone understands what’s happening.


Courage is standing up for what’s best for our patients, even when it’s hard. This might mean speaking out if something seems wrong or trying new ways to improve care.


Commitment is sticking with your role in healthcare and always trying to do better for those we look after. It’s about keeping professional ethics high too.

Why Do These Matter?

The 6 Cs matter because they remind us how important it is to provide excellent care every day. For people working in health, these values guide their work with patients who expect high-quality care from them.
By following these six principles closely, UK health services can make every patient interaction as good as possible – which builds trust and improves overall standards of health service delivery.
Exploring these concepts further or taking action based on this understanding could be very beneficial; there are plenty of resources available for those interested in learning more about providing top-notch patient care according to these principles.

Examples of the 6 C’s of Care in Health and Social Care

Understanding the 6 Cs in health and social care is crucial. They help improve patient experiences and create a better work environment. Let’s look at how each of these can be used:


What does it mean to provide good care?

Good care means making sure everyone gets what they need. For example, in a nursing home, every resident has their own care plan. This plan includes things like helping someone who loves being outside go for walks if they find walking difficult.


How do we show compassion?

Compassion is about treating people with dignity and kindness, especially during tough times. In hospices, nurses listen to patients and their families, offer comfort, and respect their cultural wishes.


Why is staying skilled important?

Hospitals encourage staff to keep learning new things through training sessions or workshops. This ensures that everyone gets safe and effective healthcare.


How does talking help patient care?

When doctors, nurses, therapists, and social workers talk well together in meetings, they make better plans for patients’ health by sharing different views.


What does courage look like in healthcare?

Courage might mean reporting unsafe practices even if it’s scary because it could lead to backlash but ultimately improves safety for everyone.


How can commitment improve services?

A care home asking residents and families for feedback shows commitment. Acting on this feedback helps build trust and makes services better.

By following these principles daily:

  • Healthcare workers not only give better quality of service but also support an ethical workplace.
  • It leads to happier patients with better outcomes.

Exploring the 6 Cs further can truly make a difference in health and social care settings!

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