What is Person-Centred Care

What is Person-Centred Care?

Person-Centred Care

Care Learning

< 1 min READ

Person-centred care (PCC) is an approach that tailors care to fit individual preferences, needs, and values. It ensures patients direct their own care and are key partners in its planning and monitoring.

Key Principles of Person-Centred Care

  1. Individuality: Each person’s unique values and lifestyle guide their tailored care plan.
  2. Rights: Everyone has the right to respect, involvement in decisions, and privacy.
  3. Choice: People in care have control over daily choices concerning their treatment plans.
  4. Privacy: It’s crucial to protect personal information and physical space.
  5. Independence: The aim is to help individuals do as much for themselves as possible.
  6. Dignity: Treating individuals with respect at all times is essential.
  7. Partnership: Care is a collaborative effort between the care worker and the recipient.
  8. Collaboration: Teamwork extends beyond health professionals to include family members.

Implementation in the UK

Laws such as The Health and Social Care Act 2012 support PCC by promoting individual control over treatments.

  • The Care Act 2014 focuses on personal well-being through tailored support plans
  • NICE guidelines advocate for PCC across various healthcare aspects
  • The NHS Constitution emphasises services based on clinical need reflecting patient preferences

Challenges and Benefits


  • Training staff thoroughly in PCC principles can be challenging
  • Tailored plans may require more resources, such as time or personnel
  • Measuring how effective person-centred approaches can be difficult


  • Increases patient satisfaction
  • Improves quality of life
  • Encourages better health outcomes since patients engage more actively with their care
  • Decreases waste because treatments align closely with what each patient needs

Person-centred care shifts away from traditional models towards personalised services that honour an individual’s specific health requirements. This model remains central both in policy-making processes.

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