Care Certificate 13.5c Answers

Care Certificate 13.5c Answers

Care Certificate Standard 13 Answers - Health and Safety

Care Learning

5 mins READ

This guide will help you answer The Care Certificate Standard 13.5c List the tasks relating to medication and health care procedures that they are not allowed to carry out until they are competent.

Standard 13 focuses on Health and Safety, and 13.5c specifically addresses the tasks relating to medication and health care procedures that care workers are not permitted to carry out until they have demonstrated competence.

Being competent means that a care worker has the required skills, knowledge, and behaviours to perform a task safely and effectively. Ensuring that tasks are only carried out by competent individuals protects the well-being of service users and maintains high standards of care. Without proper training, the administration of medication and health care procedures can lead to serious harm.

Administering Medication

Prescription Medications

The administration of prescription medications is a highly regulated task. Care workers must understand the medication’s purpose, dosage, timing, and method of administration. Until competent, care workers are not allowed to:

  1. Administer Oral Medications: Administering pills, tablets, or liquids via the mouth.
  2. Administer Injections: This includes subcutaneous (under the skin), intramuscular (into the muscle), or intravenous (into the vein) injections.
  3. Use Inhalers: This includes assisting with or administering inhaled medications.
  4. Apply Topical Medications: This includes creams, ointments, patches, or other medication applied to the skin.

Controlled Drugs

Administering controlled drugs requires even higher scrutiny. These substances have a potential for abuse and are tightly regulated. Care workers not deemed competent cannot:

  1. Administer Controlled Drugs: Handle medications classified under the Misuse of Drugs Act.
  2. Handle Storage and Logging: This includes responsibilities for the secure storage and documentation of controlled drugs.

Health Care Procedures

Basic Procedures

While many healthcare procedures are straightforward, performing them incorrectly can still be harmful. Until deemed competent, care workers are not permitted to:

  1. Perform Basic Wound Care: Cleaning and dressing wounds.
  2. Conduct Observations: This includes taking vital signs like blood pressure, temperature, and pulse.
  3. Catheter Care: Managing and caring for urinary catheters.
  4. Stoma Care: Caring for stomas, including colostomies or ileostomies.
  5. Administer Oxygen: Providing or assisting with oxygen therapy.
  6. Enteral Feeding: Assisting with or administering feeding via a tube directly into the stomach or intestine.

Advanced Procedures

Certain tasks require advanced training and a deeper understanding of the procedures involved. Until competent, care workers are not allowed to:

  1. Insert or Maintain IV Lines: This includes peripheral lines and central lines.
  2. Perform Blood Glucose Monitoring: Using a glucometer to check blood sugar levels.
  3. Conduct PEG Feeding: Administering food and medication through a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube.
  4. Administer Chemotherapy: Handling and administering chemotherapy drugs.
  5. Assist with Dialysis: Attending to the needs of patients undergoing dialysis.

Specific Competence Areas

Competence in each of these areas is evaluated based on training, observation, and assessment. This ensures care workers can safely and effectively perform their roles. The following sections detail the specific areas where competence must be demonstrated.

Medication Competence

Understanding Side Effects
Care workers must understand common side effects and how to manage them. Until competent, they should not make decisions about whether a medication should be given.

Accurate record-keeping is essential. Until competent, care workers are not allowed to update medical records related to medication administration.

Handling Refusals
Service users may refuse medication. Care workers need to know how to handle these situations appropriately. Until they are trained, they should defer to a competent colleague.

Health Care Procedures Competence

Personal Care Tasks
Some healthcare procedures overlap with personal care responsibilities. Until competent, care workers are not allowed to perform:

  1. Assisting with Mobility Therapy: Helping service users with mobility exercises.
  2. Choking Protocols: Implementing protocols for service users who are choking.

Emergency Situations
Dealing with emergency health situations requires specific training. Until competent, care workers should not:

  1. Use Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs): Using a defibrillator in case of cardiac arrest.
  2. Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR): Administering CPR to a service user in cardiac or respiratory arrest.

Training and Assessment

Training Programmes

Training programmes provide the theoretical and practical skills required. These cover how to administer medications, perform health care procedures, and respond to emergencies.

Supervised Practice

Care workers must practice under the supervision of a qualified professional. This allows them to gain confidence and expertise in a controlled environment.

Competence Assessment

Assessments can be done through practical demonstrations, written tests, and verbal questioning. Supervisors must be satisfied with both the quality and consistency of the care worker’s performance.

Legal and Ethical Implications

Duty of Care

Care workers have a legal and ethical duty to provide a safe and effective care environment. Failing to demonstrate competence violates this duty and can have serious consequences.


Until deemed competent, care workers are held accountable for knowing their limits. They must seek assistance and avoid taking on tasks beyond their capability.

Support and Supervision

Ongoing Support

Ongoing support from supervisors ensures that care workers continue to develop their skills. Competence is not a static state; it requires continuous learning and adaptation.

Peer Support

Experienced colleagues can provide valuable insights and support. Peer learning helps new care workers feel more confident and competent more quickly.

Example answers for activity 13.5c List the tasks relating to medication and health care procedures that they are not allowed to carry out until they are competent

Example Answer 1: Administering Injected Medications

I am not allowed to administer injected medications until I am competent. This includes giving subcutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injections. It is crucial that I receive the proper training and supervision before performing this task to ensure it is done safely and effectively.

Example Answer 2: Handling Controlled Drugs

I am not permitted to handle or administer controlled drugs until I am competent. Controlled drugs are highly regulated due to their potential for abuse. I must undergo specific training to understand the legal requirements and safety protocols associated with these medications.

Example Answer 3: Providing Catheter Care

I cannot perform catheter care until I am competent. This involves the insertion, maintenance, and removal of urinary catheters. Proper training ensures I can manage these devices hygienically and comfortably for the service user, preventing infections and other complications.

Example Answer 4: Administering PEG Feeding

Until I am competent, I am not allowed to administer PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) feeding. This procedure involves delivering nutrition directly into the stomach through a tube and requires specialised training to manage safely and effectively.

Example Answer 5: Handling Oxygen Therapy

I am not permitted to administer or assist with oxygen therapy until I am competent. This includes setting up and monitoring oxygen equipment. Proper competence ensures I can help service users who need oxygen support without risking their health.

Example Answer 6: Conducting Blood Glucose Monitoring

I am not allowed to conduct blood glucose monitoring until I am competent. Using a glucometer to check blood sugar levels requires specific training. It is important that I understand how to use the equipment correctly and interpret the readings to provide proper care.

These example answers illustrate a thorough understanding of the tasks related to medication and health care procedures that a care worker should not undertake without the necessary skills and training.


Standard 13.5c of The Care Certificate ensures that care workers do not perform medication administration and health care procedures until they are competent. This guarantees the safety and well-being of service users. Training, supervised practice, and competence assessments are crucial steps in this process.

Care workers must recognise their limitations and seek assistance when necessary. By doing so, they uphold the standards of care and contribute to a safe, effective care environment.

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