1.1 Define person centred values

This guide will help you answer The RQF Level 2 Diploma in Care Unit 1.1 Define person centred values.

Person-centred values are a core principle in health and social care. They ensure that care is tailored to the individual’s unique needs, preferences, and values.

This approach respects the dignity of the individual and promotes their autonomy and well-being.

What Are Person-Centred Values?

Person-centred values are principles that guide healthcare professionals to focus on the individual in all their actions. These values ensure that the care provided is respectful, responsive, and inclusive of the individual’s preferences, needs, and values. The main goal is to enhance the individual’s quality of life and well-being.

Key Person-Centred Values


Dignity means treating individuals with respect and honouring their self-worth. It involves recognising that every person is unique and valuable. When we uphold dignity, we ensure that the person feels respected and valued.


Respect involves acknowledging the person’s rights, choices, and feelings. This means listening to them, taking their views into account and ensuring their decisions are respected. It is fundamental to creating a supportive and trusting relationship.


Privacy means protecting the individual’s personal and sensitive information. It also involves giving individuals space and time where they are not intruded upon. This builds trust and ensures the person feels secure.


Independence refers to supporting individuals to do things for themselves as much as possible. This value encourages self-sufficiency and confidence. It is about empowering people to make their own decisions and take control of their lives.


Choice means giving the individual the freedom to make their own decisions. This involves offering options and supporting the person to make informed choices about their care and life. It promotes autonomy and respects the person’s preferences.


Rights involve recognising and upholding the legal and moral entitlements of individuals. This includes the right to be treated fairly, to receive quality care and to be safe from harm. Ensuring individuals are aware of their rights promotes equality and justice.


Partnership is about working collaboratively with the individual, their family, and other care professionals. This value fosters teamwork, shared decision-making and ensures care is holistic and coordinated.

Why Are Person-Centred Values Important?

Person-centred values are crucial because they enhance the quality of care and the well-being of individuals. They ensure that:

  • Individual Needs Are Met: Care is tailored to specific needs, promoting better health outcomes.
  • Autonomy Is Respected: Individuals retain control over their lives, making decisions about their care.
  • Dignity and Respect Are Maintained: People are treated with honour and value, enhancing their self-esteem and confidence.
  • Relationships Are Improved: Trust and communication between carers and individuals are strengthened.
  • Holistic Care is Provided: All aspects of the person’s life, including their physical, emotional, and social needs, are considered.

Implementing Person-Centred Values in Practice

Active Listening

Active listening means giving the individual your full attention and showing that you understand and care about their needs and preferences. This builds trust and facilitates effective communication.

Individualised Care Plans

Creating individualised care plans ensures that care is specifically tailored to the person’s unique needs and preferences. This involves assessing their needs, involving them in planning, and regularly reviewing and updating the care plan.


Empowerment involves providing individuals with the information, resources, and support they need to make their own decisions. This might involve providing education about their condition, options for treatment, and encouraging self-advocacy.

Inclusive Communication

Using inclusive communication techniques ensures that everyone can understand and participate in discussions about their care. This might involve using plain language, visual aids, or translation services.

Respecting Their Space

Respecting their space means ensuring privacy during personal care tasks and providing private areas for rest and relaxation.

Providing Choices

Providing choices involves offering the individual options and respecting their decisions. This could range from simple daily choices, like what to wear or eat, to more significant decisions about their care or treatment.

Collaboration and Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork with other healthcare professionals, the individual’s family, and the individual themselves ensure a holistic approach to care. This fosters a supportive network around the person, ensuring their needs are met from multiple perspectives.

Challenges in Implementing Person-Centred Values

Implementing these values can come with challenges. Resources might be limited, or there may be resistance to change within the care team. It can also be challenging to balance the individual’s preferences with safety and practical considerations. However, by continually advocating for person-centred care and working collaboratively, many of these challenges can be overcome.

Example answers for unit 1.1 Define person centred values

Below are some example answers that a care worker might provide in response to questions about defining person-centred values:

Example 1: Dignity

“As a care worker, maintaining the dignity of every individual is paramount. This means treating them with respect and honouring their self-worth. For instance, when assisting a person with personal care, I always ensure to cover them appropriately and explain each step I am taking, thereby ensuring they feel respected and valued.”

Example 2: Respect

“Respect in care work means acknowledging the individual’s rights, choices, and feelings. For example, if an elderly person prefers to have their meals at a specific time, I honour that preference instead of imposing a set schedule. This builds a trusting and supportive relationship.”

Example 3: Privacy

“Privacy is crucial in maintaining a person’s trust and security. For instance, during a medical examination, I make sure to use room dividers or close doors to ensure that the individual feels secure and is not exposed to others inadvertently. By protecting their sensitive information and personal space, I help them feel respected.”

Example 4: Independence

“Supporting an individual’s independence means encouraging them to do things for themselves as much as possible. For example, if someone is capable of dressing themselves but needs a bit of assistance with buttoning a shirt, I offer help only with the buttons. This empowers them to maintain their self-sufficiency and confidence.”

Example 5: Choice

“Choice involves offering individuals the freedom to make decisions about their care and daily activities. For example, if a resident in a care home wants to participate in a gardening activity rather than a scheduled exercise class, I support their choice and facilitate their participation in gardening. This promotes their autonomy and respects their personal preferences.”

Example 6: Rights

“Recognising and upholding an individual’s rights means ensuring they are treated fairly and safely. For example, if someone wishes to make a complaint about the care they are receiving, I guide them through the process transparently and support them in voicing their concerns. This fosters an environment where their legal and moral rights are respected.”

Example 7: Partnership

“Working in partnership means collaborating with the individual, their family, and other care professionals. For example, during care plan meetings, I actively involve the individual and their family to understand their needs and preferences better. This approach ensures a holistic and coordinated care delivery that aligns with what is best for the person.”

Example 8: Active Listening

“Active listening is a crucial part of person-centred care. When a client expresses a concern or shares a preference, I focus entirely on them, make eye contact, and nod to show I am listening. I then repeat back what they’ve said to confirm my understanding, ensuring that their voice is heard and valued.”

Example 9: Individualised Care Plans

“Creating individualised care plans means tailoring care to meet specific needs. For example, if a diabetic patient needs a special diet, I collaborate with nutritionists and ensure that their meals are tailored to manage their condition effectively while respecting their food preferences.”

Example 10: Providing Choices and Empowering

“In empowering individuals to make informed choices, I provide all the necessary information. For instance, if there are multiple treatment options available, I explain each one in simple terms, discussing the pros and cons. This enables the person to make an informed decision about their care, respecting their autonomy.”

Example 11: Inclusive Communication

“Using inclusive communication techniques ensures everyone can understand and participate. For example, when working with someone who has a hearing impairment, I use visual aids and written communication. This ensures they are fully included in discussions about their care.”

Example 12: Respecting Their Space

“Respecting someone’s space means providing privacy and uninterrupted time when needed. For example, I make sure to knock before entering a resident’s room and wait for their permission to enter. This ensures they have control over their personal space.”

These examples illustrate how a care worker can implement person-centred values in day-to-day care. Each action, whether it involves protecting privacy during personal care or empowering individuals with choices, contributes to a more respectful and dignified care environment. This approach not only enhances the individual’s well-being but also fosters a trusting and supportive relationship between the care worker and the individual.


Person-centred values are essential in providing high-quality, respectful, and effective care. By focusing on dignity, respect, privacy, independence, choice, rights and partnership, healthcare professionals can ensure that the care they provide meets the unique needs and preferences of each individual.

Implementing these values may come with challenges, but the positive impact on the individual’s well-being makes it a vital approach in health and social care. The goal is to enhance the quality of life and promote independence and dignity in all individuals, ensuring they feel valued and in control of their care.

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