Hasca Limited

Contact Information
The Studio, 36 Dickson, Cheshunt, EN7 6HD
Detailed Information

Hasca Ltd is a small specialist organization dedicated to supporting the delivery of high-quality, sustainable public services. Their mission is to help organizations, local communities, and citizens unlock their potential and skills. Hasca works closely with clients, offering practical project management and supporting community-wide change by fostering collaboration among individuals and organizations to achieve common goals.

One of Hasca’s flagship programs is the Commissioning for Wellbeing initiative, which is co-produced and co-trained by carers and individuals with lived experience in receiving commissioned services. This unique approach ensures that the training materials are grounded in practical real-world experiences, with co-producers actively contributing to shaping the content delivered during guided learning sessions.

Moreover, Hasca’s trainers are former senior commissioners who maintain an active career in the sector, ensuring they are well-versed in the latest trends and challenges. Upon completing the Level 5 Certificate in Principles of Commissioning for Wellbeing, participants can join Hasca’s Alumni group, providing access to a network of colleague commissioners across England for ongoing professional support.

Hasca offers various delivery models for their training programs, including an Open National Programme, Bespoke Virtual Classroom, Classroom Regional Programme, and Classroom Single Authority Programme. These options cater to different organizational needs and preferences, allowing learners to engage effectively with the material and build networks with professionals from diverse backgrounds.

Hasca delivers short courses focusing on value-based and person-centered commissioning, outcomes-based commissioning, evidence utilization in commissioning, asset-based commissioning, co-production, market shaping, and integration and partnership working. Participants praise Hasca’s training for its comprehensiveness and practical guidance, enabling them to incorporate strengths-based commissioning into their roles effectively.

Hasca Ltd stands out as a reputable organization that prioritizes collaboration, practicality, and innovation in supporting the development of commissioners and professionals in the public service sector. Through their unique approach to training and commitment to excellence, Hasca continues to make a significant impact on the delivery of public services across England.

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