2.1. Describe the boundaries that need to be taken into account when starting a new helping relationship

2.1. Describe the boundaries that need to be taken into account when starting a new helping relationship

3 mins READ

This guide will help you answer Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills 2.1. Describe the boundaries that need to be taken into account when starting a new helping relationship.

When initiating a new helping relationship, setting clear boundaries is important. Boundaries define what is acceptable and what isn’t between counsellor and client. They ensure both parties understand the limits of the relationship, promoting safety, trust, and professionalism. As a counsellor, it’s your responsibility to establish and maintain these boundaries from the very beginning.


Confidentiality is fundamental in counselling. It’s the assurance that information shared by the client will remain private. Clear boundaries around confidentiality must be stated upfront. Explain any situations where confidentiality might be broken, such as risk of harm to the client or others. It builds trust and ensures that clients feel safe sharing their thoughts.

Key Points:

  • Define confidentiality clearly.
  • Discuss limits of confidentiality.
  • Ensure client understands these boundaries.

Professional Boundaries

Maintaining a professional demeanour is essential. It includes dress code, using appropriate language, and not sharing personal information. These boundaries help in maintaining a therapeutic environment and preventing the relationship from becoming personal or social.

Examples of Professional Boundaries:

  • Keeping communication during office hours.
  • Avoiding dual relationships (e.g., becoming friends with your client).
  • Keeping physical touch to a necessary minimum and professional.

Professionalism ensures the relationship remains focused on the client’s needs.

Time Boundaries

Time boundaries relate to the scheduling and duration of sessions. Be clear about the length of sessions, usually 50 minutes to an hour. Start and end sessions on time. If a client arrives late, the session should still end at the scheduled time to respect both your time and the time of other clients.

Important Aspects:

  • Clarify session duration and punctuality.
  • Outline your availability and response times for calls or emails.
  • Discuss protocols for missed or cancelled sessions.

Financial Boundaries

Financial boundaries involve discussing fees and payment methods before beginning sessions. This includes agreeing on the cost per session, acceptable payment methods, and when payments should be made. Being transparent about costs avoids misunderstandings and maintains a professional relationship.

Considerations Include:

  • Setting clear fees for sessions.
  • Agreeing on payment methods and times.
  • Discussing policies for late payments or financial hardship.

Physical Boundaries

Respecting personal space is really important. This means having a private and comfortable setting for sessions. Both the client and counsellor should feel safe in the environment. Physical boundaries also include avoiding any physical contact beyond what’s necessary for therapeutic purposes.

Essential Points:

  • Ensure sessions take place in a private, secure location.
  • Avoid unnecessary physical contact.
  • Respect personal space and privacy.

Emotional Boundaries

As a counsellor, maintaining emotional boundaries is important. It involves managing your own emotions and reactions, and ensuring you don’t become overly involved in your client’s life. It’s about listening and offering support without taking on the client’s emotional burden yourself.

Key Aspects:

  • Stay objective and avoid becoming emotionally entangled.
  • Practice self-care to manage your own emotions.
  • Be compassionate yet professional in your approach.

Ethical Boundaries

Adhering to ethical guidelines is a fundamental part of setting boundaries. This includes following a code of ethics and being aware of your own competencies and limits. Refer clients to other professionals when their needs exceed your expertise.

Important Considerations:

  • Follow a professional code of ethics.
  • Recognise and respect your limits and qualifications.
  • Refer to other professionals when necessary.

Cultural Boundaries

Be aware of cultural differences and sensitivities. What is acceptable in one culture may not be in another. Discuss any cultural considerations at the beginning to avoid misunderstandings. This understanding fosters respect and builds a stronger therapeutic relationship.

Important Points Include:

  • Discuss cultural backgrounds and preferences.
  • Be mindful of different cultural norms and practices.
  • Respect the client’s cultural identity in your approach.


Setting clear boundaries is essential when starting a helping relationship. It protects both the counsellor and the client, ensuring a safe, professional, and effective therapeutic environment. By clearly defining and adhering to these boundaries, you help build a foundation of trust and respect that is important for the success of the counselling process.

Make sure you revisit these boundaries periodically to ensure they remain appropriate and are still being respected. This ongoing attention to boundaries will help maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the counselling relationship.

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