Unit 316 Assist and support individuals to use alternative and augmentative communication systems (AAC)

1 Understand current legislation, national guidelines, policies, protocols and good practice related to assisting and supporting individuals to use alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) systems

  • 1.1 Summarise current legislation, national guidelines, policies, protocols and good practice guidelines for assisting and supporting individuals to use systems
  • 1.2 Explain own responsibilities and accountability in relation to local policy and protocol for systems

2 Understand how to assist and support the use of AAC systems

  • 2.1 Explain how AAC systems work
  • 2.2 Explain how to deal with defects and problems to ensure functionality of equipment
  • 2.3 Describe how to manage mobility issues in individuals using communication systems
  • 2.4 Identify issues which may affect the physical comfort of individuals using communication systems

3 Understand how AAC systems support the needs of individuals

  • 3.1 Describe how the use of AAC systems can support an individual with particular medical and physical conditions
  • 3.2 Describe how the use of AAC systems affect interaction patterns
  • 3.3 Compare the use of objects, signs, symbols, written and spoken language in communication systems
  • 3.4 Compare the cognitive and symbolic development and speech and language development of a group of individuals

4 Be able to prepare AAC equipment for individuals to use

  • 4.1 Establish the type of AAC system used by the individual prior to making contact with them
  • 4.2 Prepare resources and equipment safely, referring to the Speech and Language Therapist where necessary
  • 4.3 Set out equipment and furniture according to health and safety procedures and guidelines

5 Be able to assist and support individuals to use AAC systems

  • 5.1 Gain valid consent from the individual, or a third party where the individual is not in a position to provide this consent independently
  • 5.2 Position the individual and self comfortably to enable the individual to access the system
  • 5.3 Support the individual’s active participation in the communication process
  • 5.4 Use appropriate signs and symbols to communicate with the individual
  • 5.5 Use the AAC system in line with local policy and protocol to communicate with the individual
  • 5.6 Support others to communicate with individuals using AAC systems

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