Unit 375 Recognise when substance misuse is indicated and refer individuals to specialists

1 Be able to recognise indications of substance misuse

2 Be able to assess and monitor risk

  • 2.1 Assess the risk to the individual and to others which may result from substance misuse, in accordance with organisational procedures
  • 2.2 Review the assessment of risk and explain why this is important
  • 2.3 Demonstrate appropriate action which may be required in the light of changes to the situation and level of risk

3 Be able to handle information and maintain records

  • 3.1 Identify situations and actions taken in line with organisational requirements and explain the importance of doing so
  • 3.2 Identify the rights of individuals and the principle of confidentiality

4 Be able to refer individuals to appropriate services

  • 4.1 Identify the range of services relevant to substance misuse available locally and nationally
  • 4.2 Demonstrate how to refer individuals to services in line with organisational requirements
  • 4.3 Provide appropriate services with complete and accurate information about the situation in line with organisational requirements

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