1.3 Evaluate national and local initiatives which promote children’s exercise

This guide will help you answer 1.3 Evaluate national and local initiatives which promote children’s exercise

Promoting exercise among children is critical for their physical and mental development. Various national and local initiatives aim to encourage physical activities among young people. Let’s dive into specific programmes and evaluate their effectiveness.

National Initiatives

1. Change4Life (Now Better Health – Healthier Families)

Change4Life was a nationwide campaign initiated by the Department of Health and Social Care. It sought to improve the health and well-being of children by encouraging healthy eating and physical activity.


  • Provides educational resources for schools and nurseries.
  • Offers a wealth of fun and accessible activities tailored for kids.
  • Includes engaging content like apps and games to motivate children.

This initiative successfully integrates digital resources, which resonate well with today’s tech-savvy youth. The colourful and engaging approach makes participation enjoyable for children. The widespread promotion across various media platforms ensures broad reach. However, the dependence on parental engagement can be a limitation if parents are not proactive.

2. The Daily Mile

The Daily Mile is a simple initiative encouraging children to run or jog for 15 minutes each day during school hours.


  • No special equipment or setup is required.
  • It’s accessible to all children regardless of physical ability.
  • Children participate together, fostering a sense of community and teamwork.

Its simplicity is the initiative’s strength. It requires minimal resources and does not disrupt the school day. The regular interaction promotes habitual physical activity, which can lead to long-term healthy habits. However, the initiative’s effectiveness can vary based on each school’s commitment and willingness to integrate it into their daily routine.

3. Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’

This Girl Can aims to inspire and support women and girls, including young children, in getting active regardless of shape, size, or ability.


  • Dynamic campaigns featuring real-life role models.
  • Focuses on enjoyment rather than competition.
  • Offers a variety of activities to suit different preferences.

By celebrating every achievement and emphasising fun, This Girl Can effectively dismantles barriers to participation. Its focus on inclusivity and body positivity resonates well in diverse settings. Nonetheless, the concentration on girls may inadvertently exclude boys, affecting the initiative’s universal applicability within co-educational environments.

Local Initiatives

1. London Youth Games

The London Youth Games are a series of sporting events encouraging young Londoners to engage in physical activity through competitive sports.


  • Involves multiple sports, catering to varied interests.
  • Provides a structured, competitive environment.
  • Encourages community and borough pride.

Through competition, the London Youth Games motivate children to improve their skills and personal fitness. The sense of community generated through representing one’s borough fosters both physical activity and social bonds. However, the emphasis on competition could deter children who are less athletically inclined from participating.

2. Healthy Schools London

Healthy Schools London is a programme supporting schools to create environments that promote physical and mental health.


  • Offers a ‘bronze, silver, gold’ award scheme to incentivise schools.
  • Focuses on a whole-school approach, encompassing healthy eating, exercise, and mental well-being.
  • Provides resources and support for both teachers and students.

Its comprehensive approach ensures that health and exercise are embedded in the school’s culture, not just seen as separate activities. Involving the entire school community, including staff and parents, maximises engagement. However, the programme’s success heavily relies on individual schools’ commitment and resources, leading to inconsistent implementation.

3. Active Sussex

Active Sussex is a charity that works to increase physical activity levels across the county.


  • Collaborates with local schools, sports clubs, and community groups.
  • Provides workshops, coaching, and events.
  • Tailors programmes to address local needs and gaps.

Because of its local focus, Active Sussex can address specific community needs more effectively than national programmes. Customisation ensures activities are relevant and accessible. However, its impact can be limited by funding and resource availability, resulting in variable effectiveness across different areas.

Combining National and Local Efforts

National initiatives provide a broad framework and resources that local programmes can adapt to suit specific needs. Local initiatives, on the other hand, bring a targeted approach, making activities accessible and relevant within the community.

Integration Examples:

  • Schools can use Change4Life resources to support Healthy Schools London activities, ensuring a cohesive health promotion strategy.
  • The Daily Mile can easily integrate into local sports festivals like the London Youth Games, providing warm-up sessions and encouraging habitual exercise amongst participants.

Challenges and Considerations

Access and Inclusivity

  • Ensuring programmes are accessible to children from all backgrounds and abilities is essential. Initiatives must consider logistical barriers such as transportation and availability of safe exercise spaces.

Motivation and Engagement

  • Sustaining children’s interest in physical activities can be challenging. Initiatives need to stay dynamic and flexible, adapting to the evolving interests of children.

Resource Allocation

  • Both national and local programmes require adequate funding and resources. Ensuring consistent support can be challenging, especially for local initiatives relying on grants and donations.


National and local initiatives to promote children’s exercise play crucial roles in fostering healthy habits. Programmes like Change4Life, The Daily Mile, and Healthy Schools London offer a foundation upon which local efforts can build. Combining the strengths of both levels ensures a comprehensive approach to promoting physical activity among children. However, continual evaluation and adaptation are essential to address challenges and maximise these initiatives’ effectiveness.

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