1.2 Identify policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children

This guide will help you answer 1.2 Identify policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children.

As an Early Years Practitioner, safeguarding the welfare of children is your primary responsibility. Within your role, ensuring that children are safe and well-protected in your care environment is crucial. This is mandated by several key policies and procedures aimed at promoting child safety and welfare. We will explore these policies and procedures, dissect their importance, and outline how you should implement them in practice.

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding refers to protecting children from abuse, neglect, or harm. It encompasses all measures taken to ensure each child’s safety and welfare. The term also includes ensuring that children grow up with safe and effective care and taking action to ensure that they have the best possible life chances.

The Legislation

Several legislative acts inform safeguarding policies and procedures:

  1. Children Act 1989 and 2004: This is fundamental in setting out the legal framework for child protection in England. It recognises children’s rights to protection from abuse and the local authority’s duty to investigate suspected harm.
  2. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018: This is statutory guidance outlining how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard children.
  3. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2021: This guidance is particularly directed at educational settings and outlines the safeguarding duty of schools and childcare providers.
  4. Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): These regulations pertain to handling personal data to protect individuals’ information and privacy.

Key Policies and Procedures

Safeguarding Policy

A robust safeguarding policy is fundamental to ensuring children’s welfare. Your setting’s safeguarding policy should outline the steps to protect children from harm. It must include:

  • Clear definitions of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect.
  • Procedures for reporting concerns about a child’s welfare.
  • Details of the designated safeguarding lead (DSL).
  • The training schedule for staff to remain updated on safeguarding practices.

Child Protection Procedures

These procedures are part of your safeguarding policy that specifically targets protecting children from harm. They include:

  • Recognising Signs of Abuse: All staff must know the indicators of abuse or neglect.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Have clear steps on how to report concerns both within the setting and to relevant external bodies, like children’s social care.
  • Recording Concerns: Procedures for accurately recording any safeguarding concerns.

Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality is essential in safeguarding. Your setting’s policy should address:

  • How to handle and store sensitive information.
  • The importance of information sharing with relevant agencies in safeguarding contexts.
  • Circumstances under which confidentiality can be breached to protect a child.

Safer Recruitment Policies

Ensure that all staff working with children have appropriate checks:

  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS): Ensure enhanced DBS checks are complete.
  • Reference Checks: Obtain references for all potential employees.
  • Ongoing Suitability Checks: Regular reviews of staff suitability to work with children.

Health and Safety Procedures

These ensure the physical environment is safe:

  • Risk assessments of the setting to identify any potential hazards.
  • Procedures to manage accidents or emergencies.
  • Regular safety drills, like fire evacuation.

Whistleblowing Policy

This policy encourages staff to report any concerns about poor practice or unsafe behaviour without fear of repercussions. It must include:

  • Clear steps on who to approach within the organisation.
  • Assurance of protection for those who raise concerns in good faith.

Complaints Procedure

Parents and carers should know how to raise concerns. A clear complaints procedure will include:

  • Steps to make a complaint.
  • Timeframes for addressing complaints.
  • Ensuring responses to complaints are documented and action points are followed.

Implementing Policies in Daily Practice

Training and Induction

New staff should receive comprehensive induction training on safeguarding policies and procedures. Regular update sessions are essential to ensure all staff remain aware of the latest guidelines and any policy changes.

Creating a Safe Environment

Cultivate a setting where the wellbeing of children is at the forefront. This includes:

  • Building strong, trusting relationships with children.
  • Encouraging an open communication culture where children feel safe to express themselves.
  • Consistently applying behaviour management policies.

Record Keeping

Maintain detailed records of concerns, absences, incidents, and any engagement with external safeguarding agencies. Accurate record-keeping aids in building a comprehensive overview of a child’s situation.

Engaging with Parents

Parents and carers should be partners in safeguarding. Share your setting’s policies with them and communicate openly about their child’s wellbeing and any concerns that arise.

Multi-agency Collaboration

Work in partnership with other agencies and organisations. This helps create a comprehensive safeguarding network around every child. Understand the process for referrals to social services and engage with early help assessments when necessary.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is an extensive responsibility requiring vigilance, constant care, and understanding of the pertinent policies and procedures. As an Early Years Practitioner, you have a pivotal role in applying these policies securely and consistently in your setting. Through continuous training, creating a safe environment, engaging with parents, and working collaboratively with external agencies, you ensure the highest standard of care and safeguard the children in your charge effectively.

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