Understand Personalisation in Care and Support Services
Understand the meaning of personalisation in social care and support services
- 1.1 Compare the ‘professional gift’, ‘empowerment’ and ‘rights’ models of service provision
- 1.2 Define the terms: a. personalised service, b. self-commissioned service, c. self-directed support, d. micro-employer
- 1.3 Analyse the features of personalisation within social care and support services
- 1.4 Explain why the concept of ‘outcomes’ is central to personalisation
- 1.5 Identify legislative and policy drivers for personalised services
Understand the systems and processes that support personalisation
- 2.1 Describe the impact that personalisation has on the commissioning, funding and delivery of services
- 2.2 Compare the roles of direct payments and individual budgets in supporting personalisation
- 2.3 Explain the role of brokerage in commissioning and delivering personalised services
- 2.4 Describe types of support that individuals or their families might need in order to access personalised services
Understand where responsibilities lie within self-directed support
- 3.1 Explain why it is important to know where responsibilities lie for the delivery and quality of self-directed support
- 3.2 Analyse what responsibilities are held for the delivery and quality of self-directed support by: a. direct payments recipients, b. commissioners, c. social workers/care managers
Know how to promote personalisation
- 4.1 Analyse the attitudes, approaches and skills needed in own role to implement personalisation
- 4.2 Evaluate the impact of personalisation on own role
- 4.3 Propose ways to enhance own contribution to promoting personalisation
Know how to develop systems and structures for personalisation