Leadership & Management in Adult Care

Understand the application of theories of leadership & management

Understanding the importance of leadership and management in adult care settings

Lead commitment to a vision for the service

Provide leadership for a team in an adult care setting

  • 4.1 Adapt leadership and management styles to reflect different situations and stages in a care team’s development
  • 4.2 Develop trust and accountability within the team
  • 4.3 Build team commitment to the service and its values
  • 4.4 Develop, implement and review strategies that support positive value-based cultures in teams
  • 4.5 Manage workloads effectively

Manage team working

  • 5.1 Facilitate inclusion of team members when agreeing team objectives
  • 5.2 Develop and support innovation and creativity whilst planning team objectives and ensuring collective agreement
  • 5.3 Assign roles, detailing responsibilities and personal work objectives with team members
  • 5.4 Implement systems to support team members to work towards personal and team objectives and monitor progress
  • 5.5 Provide feedback on performance for individuals and the whole team
  • 5.6 Identify performance issues within the team addressing issues positively for ongoing development
  • 5.7 Recognise progress achieved towards team and personal work objectives

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